
青年人情绪启动差异性与注意偏向的实验研究 被引量:6

An experimental study of difference of affective priming and attentional bias in young people
摘要 目的:探究在恐惧情绪、厌恶情绪和愉悦情绪唤醒条件下是否存在注意偏向及其程度的差异。方法:按照学校人数10%的比例从某军校各医学相关专业中选取大学生96名(男生60人,女生36人;年龄18-22岁),采用情绪唤醒影片启动被试的情绪(恐惧、厌恶、愉悦),利用E-prime编程程序让被试执行情绪词汇颜色命名任务(包括积极、中性、消极情绪词汇),记录被试命名情绪词汇所需反应时。结果:相比于对中性情绪词汇的颜色命名任务反应时,恐惧情绪唤醒被试对消极情绪词汇颜色命名反应时、积极情绪词汇颜色命名反应时均缩短[(648±118)ms vs.(743±124)ms,(683±123)ms vs.(743±124)ms;均P〈0.05];厌恶情绪唤醒被试对消极情绪词汇颜色命名反应时缩短[(579±86)ms vs.(720±101)ms,P〈0.01];愉悦情绪唤醒被试对积极情绪词汇颜色命名反应时缩短[(634±122)ms vs.(716±141)ms,P〈0.01]。厌恶情绪唤醒被试对消极情绪词汇颜色命名反应时短于恐惧情绪唤醒被试[(579±86)ms vs.(648±118)ms,P〈0.05]。结论:青年人在恐惧情绪、厌恶情绪和愉悦情绪唤醒条件下均出现了注意偏向,在恐惧情绪条件下,对积极情绪信息也表现出注意偏向。厌恶情绪唤醒条件下对消极情绪信息产生注意偏向的程度更深。 Objective:To explore whether there will be attentional bias under the condition of fear,disgust and positive emotional arousal. Methods:Totally 96 college students were selected as participants in this study,inclu-ding 60 males and 36 femalesaged 18-22 years. Affective priming videos were adopted to prime participants'emo-tion (dread,disgust,joviality),and then they named the color of the cognitive words (positive words,negative words,neutral words)as quickly and accurately as possible. Reaction time and correctness were recorded. E-prime was adopted to write the experimental program. The reaction time for neutral words was baseline. Results:The aver-age reaction time (RT)of color-naming tasks of negative words were shorter than that of neutral words after fright-ening affective priming[(648 ±118)ms vs. (743 ±124)ms,P〈0. 01]. Furthermore,the average RT of color-na-ming tasks of positive words were also shorter than that of neutral after frightening affective priming[(683 ±123) ms vs. (743 ±124)ms,P〈0. 05]. The average RT of color-naming tasks of negative words were shorter than that of neutral words after disgusting affective priming[(579 ±86)ms vs. (720 ±101 )ms;P〈0. 01 ]. Moreover,the av-erage RT of color-naming tasks of positive words were shorter than that of neutral words after delighted affective priming[(634 ±122)ms vs. (716 ±141)ms;P〈0. 01]. Furthermore,the average RT of disgusting priming group-were shorter than the frightening priming grouptowards negative information[(579 ±86)ms vs. (648 ±118)ms,P〈0. 05 ]. Conclusion:It suggests that the youth perform more obvious attentional bias towards negative information after disgusting affective priming than the frightening one. Frightening affective priming could evidently induce the attentional bias on positive information.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期378-382,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 国家科技部重大专项(2010ZXJ0900X-002) 上海市浦江人才计划(13PJC003) 上海市卫生局课题(2012172) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(14ZS084) 第二军医大学博士创新基金(201313) 上海市杨浦区课题(2013Z001) 第二军医大学大学生创新能力基金(MS2013028) 第二军医大学本科生创新能力孵化基地资助
关键词 情绪启动差异性 注意偏向 情绪Stroop范式 情绪障碍 difference of emotion priming attention bias emotional stroop effect emotional disorder
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