
干燥综合征的腮腺CT表现 被引量:7

CT findings of parotid gland in Sjgren's syndrome
摘要 目的:探讨干燥综合征(SS)的腮腺CT表现特点。方法:收集我院确诊的SS患者13例行腮腺CT扫描,选取14例无腮腺疾病及口干症状行颈部CT扫描者作为对照组。观察腮腺的密度是否均匀、脂肪密度的有无、腺体实质的密度、钙化的有无。用独立样本t检验比较病例组与对照组腮腺实质的CT值有无统计学差异。结果:对照组腮腺呈均匀低密度。病例组双侧腮腺密度不均,可见弥漫性脂肪组织浸润,呈点片状、网格状、斑片状甚至几乎完全取代腮腺实质;腮腺实质密度增高。5例10个腮腺内见弥漫性分布的多发点状钙化。病例组和对照组腮腺实质的平均CT值分别为(-3.42±24.11)HU和(-25.43±20.32)HU,病例组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=3.574,P=0.001)。结论:SS患者腮腺密度不均,出现弥漫性脂肪组织浸润和腮腺实质密度增高为特征性的CT表现,并可出现特征性的弥漫性点状钙化。CT可以作为SS的一种筛查手段。 Objective: To investigate CT findings of parotid gland in Sjgren's syndrome(SS). Methods: Thirteen cases of clinical confirmed SS patients were enrolled and underwent parotid gland CT scan. Fourteen cases of patients who underwent neck CT scan and have no parotid disease were selected as the control group. The imaging features assessed mainly included heterogeneity, diffuse fatty tissue deposition, density of parotid gland parenchyma and calcification. Independent sample t test was used in comparison of CT values between the two groups. Results: Parotid glands of control group showed even low density. However, it was uneven for bilateral parotid glands with diffuse fatty tissue infiltration. The density of parotid gland parenchyma increased. 10 parotid glands of 5 patients showed diffuse multiple punctate calcification. CT value of parotid gland parenchyma [(-3.42 ±24.11)HU and(-24.11 ±20.32)HU, respectively(P =0.001)] showed statistical differences between SS and control group. Conclusion: Diffuse infiltration of adipose tissue and increased parotid gland density are characteristic CT manifestations of parotid gland in SS patients. Characteristic diffuse punctate calcification can also be seen. CT can be used as a screening of SS.
出处 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期317-320,共4页 Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging
关键词 干燥综合征 体层摄影术 螺旋计算机 Sjogren's syndrome Tomography, spiral computed
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