

An Assi Study-based System for Formative Assessment and Monitoring of Students' Progress
摘要 自由文本答案(Free-text Answers)的评价过程不仅耗费教师大量的时间,而且,在将同样的评价标准应用于所有答案时,由于存在诸多困难,可能导致不公平。Assi Study系统由几个模块构成,其研发的主要目的就是用作对学生进行形成性评价的工具,帮助教师设计并评价考试,同时监测学生的进展状况。根据词及其POS标签,该系统能够计算出SA和RA之间的共有语义,自动生成RAs,并运算出近似分值,从而超越了简单的词汇匹配。实验证明,该系统的应用能提高学生的通过率并大大减轻教师阅卷的工作量。 The assessment of free-text answers is a process that, not merely requires significant time from teachers, but also leads to inequity due to the difficulty in applying the same evaluation criteria to all answers. The Assi Study system is consisted of several modules whose main purpose is to work as a formative assessment tool for students and help teachers creating and assessing exams as well monitoring students' progress. Based on words and their POS tags, the common semantic between the SA and the RA is calculated, RAs and the approximate score is generated, which goes beyond the simple lexical matching. Experiments have shown that the system is quite useful for increasing the number of passed students and relieving the teacher's workload.
作者 孟凡茂
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2015年第5期97-102,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 临沂大学认知科学与语言学能研究基地和临沂大学哲学社会科学发展项目资助
关键词 形成性评价 Assi Study系统 自由文本答案 formative assessment AssiStudy system free-text answers
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