
90°弯管Z形组合局部阻力特性研究 被引量:4

Nummerical Simulation Investigation of Local Resistance Characteristics of Z-Type Combination with Two 90° Bends
摘要 90°弯管的Z形组合是电厂各种管路系统中典型的形变件组合形式,因管路布置空间狭小,故弯管间会产生不同程度的局部阻力相邻影响。采用Realizable k-ε湍流模型对两种间距的组合弯管进行数值模拟研究,采用间距为5倍管径的组合弯管试验结果对数学模型参数及方法进行了验证,并据此开展了间距为0的组合弯管数值预报模拟。通过对比分析两种组合弯管轴向流速、横断面二次流及阻力损失沿程变化,结果表明,两种组合弯管在下游弯管中流速分布表现出较大差异,弯管间距为0时下游弯管内水流轴向流速分布更加不均匀、二次流发展更成熟,组合弯管综合局部阻力损失更大。 The Z -type pipes with two 90° bends are important fittings in power plant piping systems and affected by limited space in power plant adjacent influence of local resistance occur. This paper had simulated the Z - type combination of bend with spacer lengths of 5 and 0 diameters based on the Realizable k - ε model and verified the mathematical model. Based on this pitch the Z - shaped bend combinations which spacer lengths was 0 diameter were forecast, through comparative analysis with spacer lengths of 5 diameters condition further elaborated variation of resistance loss when water flows through the elbow and its adjacent impact mechanism. The results show that the downstream velocity distribution shows a greater difference, the axial flow velocity distribution downstream of bend with spacer lengths of 0 shows more uniform, secondary flow development shows more mature and the comprehensive local resistance loss shows greater.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期107-111,共5页 Yellow River
关键词 组合弯管 局部阻力 相邻影响 流速分布 压力分布 弯管二次流 combined bend local resistance adjacent influence velocity distribution pressure distribution secondary flow of bend
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