
太极拳典型动作对青少年平衡能力的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Tai Chi typical movement on the adolescent balance ability
摘要 探索太极拳练习对青少年平衡能力的影响。80名在校学生被随机分成男生实验组、男生对照组、女生实验组、女生对照组,其中实验组接受20周的太极拳练习,每周5次,每次30分钟。受试者在实验前、实验第10周和实验第20周进行平衡能力测试。测试指标包括单腿睁眼和闭眼站立时间,闭眼足底压力中心(Co P)左右方向和前后方向最大位移量。组间结果表明,实验组平衡能力各指标都优于对照组;组内结果表明,实验组平衡能力各指标都优于基准值。本研究表明,太极拳练习可以有效提高青少年平衡能力。 This study explores the influence of Tai Chi exercise on adolescent balance.80 college students were randomly divided into male control group,male experimental group, female control group,and female experimental group.The experimental group received 20 weeks of Tai Chi exercise,five times a week,20 minutes at a time.All the subjects will be test balance ability before experiment,at 1 0th week and 20th week during experiment.Test indexes were single stand legs with open and closed eyes,the maximum displacement of plantar pressure center (CoP)in left-right and anterior-posterior direction.Between groups results showed that the experimental group balance were superior to control group;within group results showed that the experimental group balance ability is better than the baseline data.This study shows that Tai Chi exercise can improve balance ability in adolescent.
作者 马金凤 孙威
出处 《山东体育科技》 2015年第2期98-101,共4页 Shandong Sports Science & Technology
关键词 太极拳 青少年 平衡能力 Tai Chi adolescent balance
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