
A^2/O污水厂高氨氮进水的控制案例探讨 被引量:2

Discussion on Control Case of High Ammonia Nitrogen Influent of Wastewater Treatment Plant with A^2/O Process
摘要 以昆山某A2/O污水厂为例,分析了出水氮指标不稳定的原因,并对采取的应对措施进行了总结。数据表明该厂NH3-N不稳定与DO浓度偏低密切相关,并逐一排除了不可氨化有机氮、MLSS及碱度的影响,而总氮波动与碳源不足及缺氧推流效果差相关。实践证明,降低负荷运行并设法提高转碟充氧量能将氨氮稳定在标准值以下,而控制总氮则在硝化充分的前提下有必要在缺氧段投加醋酸等碳源,以强化反硝化。 The reasons for instable effluent nitrogen concentration of a wastewater treatment plant with A^2/O process in Kunshan City were analyzed, and the countermeasures were summarized. The data showed that the instability of NH3 - N was closely related with low DO, and the effects of unammoniated organic nitrogen, MLSS and alkalinity were excluded, while the fluctuation in TN was related with the lack of carbon source and poor effect of anoxic push flow. The practice proved that the reduced load operation and improving the disc oxygenation could control NH3 -N below the standard level. For control of total nitrogen, it was necessary under premise of complete nitrification to add acetic acid and other carbon source in the anoxic zone to enhance the denitrification.
作者 卢沈艳
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期117-119,共3页 China Water & Wastewater
关键词 A^2/O 氨氮 反硝化 碳源 A^2/O process ammonia nitrogen denitrification carbon source
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