
社区居民旅游影响感知和态度的动态变化 被引量:43

Changes in Residents' Perceptions of Impact and Attitudes towards Tourism Development over Time
摘要 发展旅游业是改善社区经济和居民生活质量的重要途径。当地居民参与旅游开发过程,是实现社区经济、文化、环境可持续发展的基础。文章在长期跟踪研究一个乡村旅游社区——山东省荣成市河口村("胶东渔村")的基础上,评估了旅游发展过程中社区居民旅游感知和态度的动态变化趋势。纵向研究结果表明:随着时间的推移,社区居民对旅游发展积极影响的感知一直保持着较高的认同,而对旅游发展消极影响的感知水平明显上升;同时,尽管大多数居民在态度上依然支持旅游业的发展,但是利益分配的冲突、产品老化带来的盈利能力的降低、当地经济发展带来的新的谋利机会、市场竞争的加剧等原因影响了当前居民参与旅游业的热情,导致社区居民"意愿-行为"之间出现较大的差距,需要引起当地管理者的高度关注,并适时调整发展策略。 In recent years, interest in tourism as a tool for regional economic development has grown dramatically, and tourism is now viewed as an important factor in the improvement of quality of life in China. Meanwhile, community involvement is considered to be the cornerstone of sustainable tourism development. Despite the considerable body of past research, few studies have adopted a longitudinal approach; the majority of studies collect data at a single period and therefore their conclusions may be limited. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that host community attitudes and perceptions in relation to tourism are dynamic. This situation calls for an emphasis to be placed on longitudinal studies when investigating changes in resident attitudes and their perceptions of tourism development over time. A rural destination, Jiaodong Fishing Village in the City of Rongcheng, Shandong Province, was chosen as the study site for the present research. This village is known as a successful case of rural tourism development. We made a tourism development plan for this village in 2001.The plan included a benefit-distribution mechanism to keep a proper balance among all stakeholder' s interests, and to ensure that tourism benefits could be equitably distributed. Local residents were stimulated to provide accommodation and tour services to enhance employment opportunities. From then on, as tourism consultants of this village, we revisited the place to guide local tourism development, and collected data systematically. The perceptions and attitudes of local residents were measured in 2006, and again in 2013.The purpose of this paper is to: (1) test whether there are significant differences between the two time periods, and (2) to explore the underlying reasons for any changes in resident perceptions of impacts, and their attitudes toward tourism development. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed door-to-door to assess these impacts and attitudes. In addition, interviews were conducted to identify main factors that brought about any changes in perceptions and attitudes. Comparing the research results of 2006 with those of 2013, the study indicates that community residents maintained a positive perception of tourism development and its positive impacts despite the passage of time, but that there is significant growing concern relating to negative perceived impacts. What is more, although their support has been ongoing, their enthusiasm for participating in the tourism industry has declined. This can largely be explained by such factors as conflicts of interest, aging products with low profitability, alternative profit opportunities resulting from regional development elsewhere, and fierce competition internally. An "intent-behavior" gap therefore exists among community residents, which should receive more attention from local managers and adjust the development strategies in time.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期65-73,共9页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"旅游和旅游业的本体论研究"(12BGL072) 山东省教育厅科研项目"山东省乡村旅游开发与农村城镇化协调发展研究"(J12WF72)的资助~~
关键词 社区居民 旅游影响感知 居民态度 纵向研究 community residents perceived tourism impact resident attitudes longitudinal study
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