讨论了Zn O对Ba Sm2Ti4O12介质陶瓷烧结机制和微波介电性能的影响。结果表明:Zn O添加能推动Ba Sm2Ti4O12微波介质陶瓷的烧结,可至少将其烧结温度降低至1 280℃。当添加过多的Zn O时,Zn2+会进入晶格,可能导致晶格畸变,由此造成颗粒间产生微小孔隙及晶格内形成许多缺陷,降低了材料的εr和Q×f值。含0.5 wt%Zn O的Ba Sm2Ti4O12试样在1 280℃烧结时,综合介电性能最好:εr=76.46,Q×f=6 334 GHz。
Sintering and dielectric properties of ZnO-doped BaSm2Ti4O12 ceramics was discussed. It is found that sintering process of BaSm2Ti4O12 was promoted by using ZnO additives.The sintering temperature can be lowered to 1280℃. But with increase of amount of ZnO, Zn2+ will enter the crystal lattice, more crystal defect and enclosed pore was appeared, which reduced bulk density and Q×f of the material. When added 0.5 wt%ZnO and sintered at 1280℃, BaSm2Ti4O12 exhibited good dielectric properties: εr=76.46,Q×f=6334 GHz.
Electronics & Packaging