
母亲强迫喂养行为与3月龄婴儿注视母亲行为研究 被引量:1

Study on maternal forced feeding behavior and 3-month old infant's fixation time
摘要 目的研究母亲逗引下3个月婴儿注视母亲的时间与母亲强迫喂养行为的关系。方法随机抽取2013年5月至8月在首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院儿科门诊常规随访的54名3个月健康婴儿,采集并录像母亲与婴儿交流时婴儿的注视行为;母亲本人填写是否存在强迫喂养的调查问卷。结果不存在强迫喂养的婴儿,母亲逗引时注视母亲的时间>5s,与存在强迫喂养的婴儿相比有显著性差异(t=-2.998,P<0.05);互动时间(s)和强迫喂养有非常强的相关性(R^2=0.995,P<0.05)。结论违背婴儿意愿的喂养行为影响母婴间的互动,使婴儿对母亲持回避态度,甚至影响远期依恋关系的建立。 Objective To study the relationship between duration of 3-month-old infant’s fixation on mother under mother’s tease and mother’s forced feeding behavior.Methods Totally 54 healthy 3-month-old infants routinely followed up during the period of May to August in 2013 in Affiliated Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Capital Medical University were randomly selected, and infant’ s fixation time when mother communicated with infant was recorded.Mothers filled out questionnaires by explaining whether forced feeding existed. Results When there was no forced feeding, infant’s fixation time was longer than 5s, which was significantly different from the duration of infants with forced feeding (t=-2.998,P〈0.05).Interactive time was strongly correlated with forced feeding (R2 =0.995, P〈0.05). Conclusion Feeding against will of infant affects the interaction between mother and infant, make infant shun, and even affect long-term attachment relationship.
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2015年第2期169-170,共2页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
关键词 喂养行为 母婴交流 依恋关系 母婴互动 feeding behavior communication between mother and infant attachment relationship mother-infant interaction
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