There is a deep love knot about Ming Dynasty in Piao Zhiyuan's Rehe Dairy. Such love knot was the mainstream love knot lasted for more than 200 years in Korea. Its essence was actually the love knot about China. It had a direct connection with the event of so-called Renchen Tragedy when Ming Dynasty sent troop to help Korea in danger of Japanese invader in Wanli period, and the event of sending troop to support Korea for the last years of Chongzhen period. It was the natural result of long lasted friendship between Korea and China since Mingtaizu, it was Love knot about Ming Danasty also a deep reflection of Korean's deep-sealed hared caused by the invade and plunder by the late Jin Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Korea was called " Little China" since the ancient time, having a love knot about China for a long time. The love knot about Ming Dynasty was an emotional coagulation and sublimation on such base. Piao Zhiyuan advocated leaning from China and studying Chinese culture. Of course, he was not a Conservative staying in a rut, neglecting practice and being mere nominal, but it is also not right to say he was opposed to the idea of respecting Ming Dynasty.
Qilu Journal
Piao Zhiyuan, Lee Dynasty in Korea
Rehe Dairy
love knot about Ming Danasty