
评价系统:历史、现状与未来 被引量:5

APPRAISAL Framework:Its History,Status quo and Future Development
摘要 评价系统是研究语篇语义层面人际意义表达的三个系统之一,由James Martin教授在20世纪90年代初创立。它不属于词汇语法资源,而属于语篇语义资源,是用来协商情感、判断和鉴赏,增强或减弱以及介入这些评价的资源。本文主要讨论了评价系统产生的缘由、背景及其对系统发展的影响,对比分析了评价系统各个发展时期框架的异同,指出了评价系统的不足之处及其发展趋势。 Semantic rather than lexico-grammatical resources as it is attributed to,APPRAISAL serves to negotiate,engage and graduate resources pertaining to affect,judgement and appreciation.This paper focuses on the theoretical and empirical background of APPRAISAL,along with discussion of the impact of such background upon the system per se;it then contrastively analyses different models of APPRAISAL in its course of revision and development;lastly it presents issues regarding drawbacks of APPRAISAL,together with its recently emerging research topics.
出处 《当代外语研究》 2015年第4期15-22,42,共9页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
基金 中国国家留学基金委(编号[留发]2011-3005) 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学国际研究奖学金(编号iMQRES 2011163)联合资助
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