
中国大学生语料库辅助外语写作态度调查 被引量:3

Attitudes toward Corpus Use in Foreign Language Writing:A Survey of Chinese Tertiary Level Students
摘要 本研究对中国大学外语学习者进行了语料库辅助外语写作的培训,并就学习者对这一写作手段的态度进行了调查。研究结果显示,中国学习者对外语写作中使用语料库持积极态度,也愿意在今后写作中使用语料库;学习者认为,语料库检索技术简单易学,语料库在词汇用法等方面对外语写作有帮助;对于学习者而言,最大的困难是检索后返回的索引行结果过多,从而给学习者分析索引行数据造成一定困难。本研究结果对外语写作教与学有一定实际指导意义。 This study reports a survey of Chinese tertiary-level students' attitudes toward corpus use in EFL writing after a foreign language writing course.The results showed that the Chinese learners were positive toward corpus use in foreign language writing and they would like to use corpus for foreign language writing in the future.The learners held that the corpus concordancing techniques were easy to learn and they were of help to vocabulary learning.However,the learners found that it would be difficult for them to analyze the data if the returned concordance lines were large in number.This study is the first research at home that investigates the learners' attitudes toward corpus use in foreign language writing.The findings are significant in that it provides practical guidelines for the teaching and learning of foreign language writing.
作者 张英 雷蕾
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2015年第4期49-53,76,共6页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
基金 华中科技大学教学质量工程第六批教学研究项目"学术英语在线检索平台建设与创新实践能力培养"的成果之一
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