目的:建立核磁共振一维碳谱定性鉴别低分子肝素类型的方法。方法:一维13C-NMR实验在装配5 mm BBO探头的Bruker Ascend-500核磁共振谱仪上采集。采样时间1.1s;弛豫时间1s;测量温度40℃;谱宽δ(ppm)236。结果:比较不同类型低分子量肝素标准品的碳谱精细结构信息发现,不同类型的低分子量肝素都有其特征的碳谱信号,因此可以通过碳谱特征信号对低分子量肝素进行区分。结论:核磁共振一维碳谱定性鉴别低分子肝素的方法专属性强,简单方便,是鉴别低分子量肝素较好的方法。
Objective:To establish a method for the identification of low molecular weight heparin .Methods:13 C-NMR spectra were collected at Bruker Ascend 500 spectrometer with 5 mm BBO probe.The parameters setup were:acquisition time 1.1s, relaxation time 1s, measurement temperature 40 ℃ and spectral width 236 ppm.Result:There were some unique signals in 13 C-NMR spectra and could be used to identify the type of low molecular weight heparin .Conclusion:1D 13 C-NMR spectrum is specific , simple and conven-ient method for the identification of low molecular weight heparin .
Drug Standards of China