

Excellence,Equity and Inclusiveness——High Quality Teacher for All——Summary of the 2014 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
摘要 第四届国际教师职业峰会围绕着"卓越、公平和包容——面向所有人的高质量教师"的主题展开。会议承上启下主要探讨三个问题:如何吸引高质量教师和领导到最需要他们的学校去,在权力日益下放的教育体系中有哪些实现公平的措施,怎样创建满足所有儿童和年轻人需要的学习环境。通过对会议讨论内容及有关国家的教育经验的鉴别与学习,给我国带来的启示是:不能低估高质量教师在卓越与公平和谐共生中所起的作用;处理好权力下放中的平衡问题;创建良好的学习环境以取得教育的卓越与公平;早期教育是实现卓越与公平的有效手段。 The 2014 International Summit on the Teaching Profession focused on the theme of “Excellence , equity, and inclusiveness———high-quality teacher for all”.This Summit mainly discussed three problems based on the previous summits:How can high-quality teachers and leaders be attracted to the schools of greatest need?What are the levers for increasing equity in increasingly developed education systems? How are learning environ-ments created that can meet the needs of all children and young people?Identifying and learning from discussions and excellent experience of education gives our country some enlightenments:Do not underestimate the important role of high-quality teachers in the symbiosis of excellence and fair;Handle the balance of decentralization prop-erly;Creating good learning environments to promote both excellence and equity;Early childhood education is an effective way to advance both excellence and equity .
作者 冯文全 冯娅
出处 《天津师范大学学报(基础教育版)》 2015年第2期64-68,共5页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Elementary Education Edition)
关键词 国际教师职业峰会 卓越 公平和包容 高质量教师 International Summit on the Teaching Profession excellence,equity and inclusiveness high quality teachers
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