
助产士专科门诊体质量管理对妊娠结局的影响 被引量:35

The effect of prenatal weight control on the pregnancy outcomes in the midwife clinic
摘要 目的探讨助产士专科门诊孕中晚期体质量管理对妊娠结局的影响。方法将350例孕20—24周、单胎初产妇分为对照组172例和干预组178例,对照组行常规产前检查与指导,由门诊产科医生和护士对孕妇进行产前指导;干预组在此基础上实施助产士专科门诊体质量管理个体咨询,包括根据孕妇体质量指数制订体质量管理目标,给予孕期膳食营养、运动方式及体质量指数自我监测指导。结果干预组分娩前体质量指数、剖宫产率、产程延长或停滞、产后大出血、巨大儿、新生儿窒息、妊娠期糖尿病及高血压发生率均低于对照组(P〈0.01或P(0.05)。结论助产士专科门诊对孕中晚期孕妇实施体质量管理,有利于改善妊娠结局。 Objective To explore the effect of prenatal weight control on the pregnancy outcomes in the midwife clinic. Methods Totally,350 singleton prlmipara with 20 to 24 weeks of gestation were divided into the control group with 172 cases and the intervention group with 178 cases. Pregnant women in the control group received routine prenatal examination and instruction. On the basis the intervention group, pregnant women in the intervention group received mid- wife clinic pregnancy weight control and instruction about diet, activities and BMI self - monitoring according to lheir BMI value. Results The incidence of neo- natal maerosomia,eesarean section, labor block,neonatal asphyxia, postpartum hemorrhage,pregnaney induced diabetes and hypertension and the prenatal BMI in the intervention group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( P 〈 0. 01 or P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion The midwife - led prenatal weight control in the mid and late pregnancy of pregnant women is conducive to the pregnancy outcomes.
作者 周倩 邱嵘
出处 《护理管理杂志》 2015年第5期354-356,共3页 Journal of Nursing Administration
基金 湖北省卫生计生科研基金(WJ2015HB021)
关键词 孕妇 助产士 孕期体质量 护理管理 妊娠结局 pregnant woman midwife pregnancy weight ~ nursing management pregnancy outcomes
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