本文使用Sencha Touch移动平台开发框架对在线问卷调查系统进行分析与设计,包括问卷注册、查看调查填写进展、审核问卷、查看调查结果等功能。通过该系统,可以让教师及学生真正做到随时随地,使用任何联网设备登陆系统进行问卷调查,解决在校学生和教师可支配电脑资源缺少的问题。
The essay uses the developing framework of mobile platform Sencha Touch to make analysis and design for an online questionnaire system. The system contains the functions of questionnaire registration, examining the progress of the questionnaire filling, review of the questionnaire and check-up of the questionnaire results. Through the system, students and teachers can real- ly realize logging on to the system to perform and fill a questionnaire anytime, anywhere and with any networked equipment, and therefore, solve the problem of lacking enough usable computer resources for students and teachers in school.
LI Qin (Shaanxi Technical College of Finance and Economics, Xianyang 712000, China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology