
甲状腺实性结节的声脉冲辐射力弹性成像诊断研究 被引量:2

摘要 目的评估声脉冲辐射力弹性成像技术(ARFI)对甲状腺实性结节良恶性鉴别诊断价值。方法对100例患者的118个实性结节行ARFI弹性成像声触诊组织成像(vTI)及声触诊组织定量(VTQ)两种技术检查,以VTI弹性分级≥Ⅳ级判断为恶性结节;VTQ中计算结节剪切波速度(SWV)平均值、结节周围非病灶组织平均值及两者的比值。结果根据ROC曲线得出甲状腺良恶性结节swV平均值及比值的最佳诊断界值分别为2.66m/s、1.21,曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.780、0.762,敏感性、特异性、准确率分别为56%、89%、74%,69%、73%、71%;以VTI弹性分级≥Ⅳ级判断甲状腺实性结节良恶性具有显著性意义(P=0.000),其敏感性为78%,特异性为77%,准确率为77%。结论ARFI技术定性及定量评价组织硬度,对甲状腺实性结节良恶性鉴别均有较高价值,两者结合应用对甲状腺实性结节的超声鉴别诊断有较大帮助。 Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography ( ARFI ) for differential diagnosis of thyroid solid nodules. Methods 100 patients with 118 thyroid solid nodules were performed virtual touch tissue imaging ( VTI ) and virtual touch tissue quantitfication ( VTQ ) examination of ARFL Elasticity of VTI〉IV grade level was considered malignant. Shear wave velocity ( SWV ) of nodule and non-nodule tissue were measured for 7 times. Average SWV of nodules and non-nodule tissue and the ratio of them were calculated. Results Optimum diagnosis cutoff of SWV averages and the ratios were 2.66m/s, 1.21, AUC were 0.780, 0.762 respectively according to ROC curve. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy rate of average SWV and the ratio were 56%, 89%, 74%, 69%, 73%, 71% separately.VTI _〉IV grade level to differentiate benign and malignant thyroid nodules had significant difference ( P=0.000 ) with the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of VTI of 78%, 77% and 77%. Conclusions ARFI of qualitative and quantitative evaluation for tissue stiffness have a high value to differentiating thyroid solid nodules. Both methods have their advantages and combined application would have greater value.
出处 《浙江临床医学》 2015年第5期683-685,共3页 Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
基金 湖北省卫生厅指导项目(JX6C-23)
关键词 甲状腺 结节 弹性成像 声触诊组织定量 声触诊组织成像 Thyroid Nodule Elasticity Virtual touch tissue imaging Virtual touch tissue quantitfication
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