
学术博客交流特征及启示--基于交流主体、交流客体和交流方式的综合考察与实证分析 被引量:13

Characteristics and Inspirations of Academic Blog Communication
摘要 从交流主体、交流客体和交流方式的视角出发,以科学网博客为例对学术博客交流特征进行综合考察与实证分析,运用统计、比较、归纳、推理等方法,得出以下研究结论:学术博客交流在作者学术身份、学科差异、累积优势分布等方面与正式文献交流类似,并呈现跨学科交流突出、交互方式相关以及情境性、协作性等特征;突破了人们对学术博客交流是正式文献交流重要补充的单向认识,认为正式文献交流对学术博客交流亦具有补充和促进作用;提出可利用博客作者权威度、博客评论影响指数、博客传播扩散指数、博客被引用指数等指标对学术博客交流进行质量控制和管理。图1。表9。参考文献45。 Academic blogs have become a rapid mode for scholarly communication. However, compared with the traditional academic journal, blog has not been well recognized or understood. Therefore, research of the characteristics of academic blog communication is helpful to effectively implement quality control and management of academic blogs. Using the world's largest Chinese science community, blog. scieneenet, en as the study sample, the whole dataset from that community is collected in 2013, including 5 425 blogs, 64 880 blog posts, 278 640 comments from 14 823 users, 389 783 recommendations from 9 020 users, and 38 856 010 visits. On the basis of descriptive statistics and K-S tests of each kind of sample data, using SPSS software, the methods of Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman are chosen to test the differences and analyze the correlations. Other methods are also applied, such as comparison with traditional document communication, induction, inference and SO on, The following conclusions are obtained: First, the blogger's academic status( or rank, such as Associate Professor, Full Professor) has a significant impact on academic blog communication. The higher the aca- demic status of the bloggers, the more posts they make, and the greater the number of communication ex- changes with the blog ( comments, references, and visits). The test also shows significant impact difference between different academic statuses. Hence, it suggests that author authority, such as professional title, could be used to judge and filter the mass academic blogs. Second, academic blog communication presents significant discipline differences, which inspires the design of some relevant indexes to measure and com- pare the influence of blogs of different disciplines. One example is the blog comment indicator ( BCI). Third, different types of academic blog communication are correlated and conform to the power-law distri- bution, which indicates that the academic blog community shows the phenomenon of "small world" and core bloggers exist within it. Fourth, the academic blog displays interdisciplinary communication, exhibiting wide cross-disciplinary exchange and diffusion. Consequently, the blog diffusion indexes (BDIs) are pro- posed, which measure the extent of interdisciplinary academic blog communication. Fifth, the academic blog community is also contextual (such as instant discussion, videos, pictures etc. ) and collaborative in contrast with formal scholarly literature communication, which fosters an environment of knowledge innova- tion. Finally, formal scholarly literature communication can also supply and motivate the academic blog communication. For example, formal publications are an important information source of academic blog communication; formal publications can offer discussion topic for academic blog communication; formal publications sometimes cite the academic posts; the real academic status of a blogger has the significant in- fluence on his/her academic blog communication, etc. This paper has certain limitations since we only take one of the Chinese academic blog communities as our data source. Other academic blog communities, especially English-language communities, will be studied and compared to this community in future research. Additionally, time is an important factor impacting academic blog communication; it is important to consider a diachronic study of the academic blog community to obtain more comprehensive findings and results. 1 fig. 9 tabs. 45 refs.
作者 丁敬达 许鑫
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期87-98,共12页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目“学术虚拟社区知识交流的模式与规律研究”(编号:12YJC870006) 国家社会科学青年基金项目“人文社会科学网络开放学术信息质量评价体系研究与实证分析”(编号:12CTQ023)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 学术博客 交流特征 质量控制指标 Academic biog. Communication characteristics. Quality control index.
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