
数字资源长期保存可信赖认证研究发展综述 被引量:19

Review of Trusted Certification Research on Digital Preservation
摘要 本文对近20年来数字资源长期保存可信赖认证研究的发展进行回顾。通过对可信赖性含义的分析,以及对主要标准、方法和项目发展情况的梳理,提供了一个相对清晰的研究发展脉络图。详细介绍DSA评测指南、ISO 16363、Nestor指标目录三个典型认证标准,详细描述可信赖性的组成和认证的基本要素:组织、数字对象管理、基础设施。介绍ISO 16363和RLC的认证服务以及相关辅助工具,并给出对相关研究的评述以及对认证实践的思考,指出我国即将开展的国家保存体系建设应从规划之初即参照相关标准开展规划、决策和实践,使整个体系构建于一个较高的基点之上。图2。表3。参考文献23。 This paper reviews the development of research on certification of trustworthy digital preservation in the past 20 years, discusses the meaning of trustworthiness, analyzes the composition of trustworthiness, and identifies the primary elements of certification, provides references for the upcoming Chinese national digital preservation system. The author summarizes the development of the main criteria, methods and projects in chronological order, and analyzes the direct or indirect influence with each other. Furthermore, the author analyzes and com- pares the criterion items of three typical certification standards in detail, namely DSA evaluation guide, ISO 16363, the Nestor Catalogue of Criteria, and finally puts forward a framework of the primary certification el- ements. The research shows that OAIS has also become an important reference standard for trustworthiness certifi- cation as the basic standard of long-term preservation activities. And OAIS provides a widely applicable glossary of terms and the unified definitions of functions, process and information model. OAIS has been proved to provide a good foundation for certification of trustworthiness in system level. Establishment of professional standards, including ISO 16363 and DIN 31644, provides a relatively comprehensive certification indicator framework for preservation activities. They focus on assessing the overall project, but there is a limitation that they only audit the current state of projects. A three layers trustworthiness certification frame of EU, inheriting the existing research results ( including DSA, ISO 16363 and DIN 31644), is not only more reasonable and feasible for preservation practices, but also more conducive to gradual consummation of the preservation system. And some existing theories and standards which are a- dopted in other areas will provide additional verifications about trustworthiness from multiple perspectives. The basic frameworks of the current three certification standards are coherent, and are composed by three parts which are organization, object management and infrastructure. The organization and infrastructure are the environments of executing the digital object management functions. The organization includes strategic policy, staff, funding, law, responsibility mechanism, and is the management environment to ensure preservation system works well. The infrastructure includes completeness, safety and risk management of technical facili- ties, and is the physical environment to ensure preservation system works well. And digital object management directly corresponds to the specific process and functions of preservation system. Based on OAIS function mod- ules, the certification indicators of each module are classified into three groups: the first group is the indicators for specification and documentation; the second group is the indicators for process and technical methods; the third group is the indicators for records or logs (providing proof of reliability, credibility of process). This paper provides a roadmap of development on certification research (1994-2014), summarizes a pri- mary elements framework of certification, and puts forward a series of questions needed to be considered and discussed further in practices. All of these would provide references to the practice of certification of trustworthiness. Based on literature analysis only, this research lacks comparing and verifying the availability of existing standards in practices. 2 figs. 3 tabs. 23 refs.
作者 吴振新
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期114-126,共13页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 数字资源 长期保存 可信赖性 认证标准 认证指标 Digital resource. Long term preservation. Trustworthiness. Certification system. Certification indi-cators.
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