

The Role of Familiarity in Implicit Learning
摘要 熟悉感最初源于再认记忆的双加工模型,该模型认为再认判断基于两个独立的加工过程:回忆和熟悉感。基于记忆领域对熟悉感的大量研究,一些研究者将熟悉感的研究视角投向了内隐学习领域,试图探讨熟悉感在内隐学习,尤其是人工语法学习过程中的作用。本研究从组块相似性与熟悉感、知识的意识性与熟悉感以及熟悉感的来源三个内隐学习研究中的核心方面总结了熟悉感在人工语法学习中的作用,认为在人工语法学习中,熟悉感与相似性存在密切的关系,相似性在主观上表征为熟悉感,进而影响语法判断;人工语法任务中意识性与熟悉感是一个动态变化并最终趋于稳定的过程。在不同的学习条件下,意识性知识与熟悉感的关系有所不同:在附带学习条件下,无论被试是基于有意识的结构知识还是无意识的结构知识,熟悉感都能够很好地预测语法判断;而在有意学习条件下,语法性则超越了熟悉感,能够更好地预测语法判断。此外,除了相似性之外,被试的熟悉感也可能来源于对刺激加工的一种流畅性感觉。 Familiarity is derived from dual- process model which assumes that recognition judgments are based on familiarity and recollection.Based on numerous studies in recognition memory,researchers attempted to examine the role of familiarity in implicit learning,especially in AGL task.The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship of similarity and familiarity,awareness and familiarity,and the basis of familiarity. We argue that the similarity of training and test materials may influence grammatical judgment by means of subjective familiarity. The relationship between familiarity and awareness is a process of dynamic change. The relationship between familiarity and structural knowledge depended on different learning conditions: under the incidental learning condition,familiarity was the only substantial predictor of grammaticality judgments regardless of the status of structural knowledge.In contrast,under deliberate learning condition,in the presence of conscious structural knowledge,there was a significant independent contribution of grammaticality rather than familiarity. The basis of familiarity might be derived from fluency of processing.
作者 姜珊 关守义
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期63-72,190,共10页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划“汉语声调远距离规则的内隐学习研究”(ZZszf13005) 上海政法学院校级青年科研基金项目“汉语声调远距离规则的跨文化研究”(2013XQN06)
关键词 内隐学习 熟悉感 意识 流畅性 implicit learning familiarity awareness fluency
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