
混合型APF的选择性谐波补偿控制策略研究 被引量:3

Study of Selective Harmonic Compensation Control Strategy for Hybrid Active Power Filter
摘要 混合有源电力滤波器(HAPF)将有源电力滤波器(APF)和无源滤波器相结合,既能弥补无源滤波器的缺点,又能有效降低APF的容量,在工程实际中具有很强的实用性。针对一种单调谐HAPF,分析了其拓扑结构,推导得到了α,β坐标系下的电流控制模型;提出了一种基于负载电流检测方式的选择性谐波补偿控制策略,电流控制环节采用多个矢量谐振控制器并联同时实现了指令次谐波提取和谐波跟踪。最后搭建了实验平台进行实验,结果证明了所提控制策略的有效性。 Hybrid active power filters(HAPF),which is a combination of active power fiher(APF) and passive power fil- ter,has a strong practicability in engineering application due to overcoming the shortcoming of passive power filter and effectively reducing the capacity of APF.Aiming at single-tuned HAPF, the topology is analyzed and current con- trol model under a,/3 coordinate system is derived.Then a selective harmonic compensation control strategy based on load current is proposed.To implement the selective harmonics acquisition and tracking a multiple parallel vector reso-nant controller is applied in the current control loop.Finally, experimental results based on a laboratory prototype are provided to verify the effectiveness of the control scheme.
机构地区 中南大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期102-104,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 有源电力滤波器 选择性谐波补偿 矢量谐振控制器 active power filter selective harmonic compensation vector resonance controller
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