

Prototype Semantics: Its Development,Questions and an Explanation of Its Cognitive Approach
摘要 原型理论应用于语言意义研究开创了语义研究新路向——原型语义学。原型效应广泛存在于抽象的语义模型和具体的构式中,为知识组织形式和多义现象提供了统一的解释;但原型语义学同时也存在原型的多义性和原型识别的主观性等问题。原型语义学规避了理想主义和客观主义的研究路向,其源于现象学的体验哲学观可以解释其非离散性的语义观。 Abstract :Prototype theory has been applied to semantics and has resulted in a new semantic approach: prototype semantics. Prototype effect is ubiquitous in cognitive models and different levels of constructions, providing a unified answer to polysemy and knowledge organization in language. Prototype theory also brings about problems such as difficulty in determining prototype and subjective determination of prototype meaning of linguistic categories. Prototype semantics adopts neither the idealistic nor the objective approach to meaning,and its distinct embodied philosophy rooted in phenomenology may explain its non-discrete semantic
作者 张秀芳
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2015年第1期16-21,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(10BYY001)
关键词 原型理论 原型语义学 非离散性 体验哲学 prototype theory prototype semantics non-discreteness embodied philosophy
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