

On the Circulation of Two Ming-Dynasty Poems Extolling the Bodhi Temple in Nanyang
摘要 方九功、王鸿渐都是南阳著名的历史文化名人,《历代诗人咏南阳》在他们名下刊载的两首咏菩提寺明诗,非常有名。出版物引用率很高,网上引用率更高。只要点出"方九功"、"王鸿渐"或"菩提寺",网上就会出现方九功或王鸿渐的咏菩提寺的诗。但是,一个偶然的机缘,南阳方氏在修续家谱时,发现了刻有这两首诗的明代原碑,作者并不是方九功和王鸿渐,这两首诗的作者,一个应是方九功的朋友吴一鲲,一个应是王鸿渐的儿子、方九功的朋友王慎,而且这两首诗文字上与原作有误。在同一碑上,也刻有方九功咏菩提寺诗7首。怎么会有这样的失误?经查《康熙南阳府志》,发现失误有今人的责任,主要是古人的责任。写作此文的目的是,在这一南阳历史文化问题上,纠正明末以来直到今天的以讹传讹,以正引援。 Fang Jiugong and Wang Hongjian both were eminent historical figures in Nanyang, to whom two widely circulated poems extolling the Bodhi Temple are attributed. As for the two poems, publication citation rate is very high, not to mention even a higher rate of online reference. However; it is by sheer coincidence that the Fang Clan in Nanyang came across the original poems engraved on a Ming-Dynasty stele in their effort to revise and modify their family genealogy. It is found that the two poems had a completely different authorship: one attributable to Wu Yikun who was Fang Jiugong' s friend, and the other to Wang Shen who was Wang Hongjian' s son plus Fang Jiugong' s friend. Besides, there exist certain discrepancies in wording between the extant version and the original version. On the same stele are also engraved seven poems attributed to Fang Jiugong. After a careful scrutiny of the annals of Nanyang Prefecture compiled in Emperor's Kangxi's reign, it is discovered that such discrepancies are mainly due to the negligence of the ancients, albeit the present-day people also have their share of responsibility. Therefore, this paper aims to rectify the erroneous information that had been relayed through ages since the late Ming Dynasty with a view to providing accurate sources of citation for the public.
作者 方恩铎
机构地区 河南油田教育处
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2015年第4期54-56,共3页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 《明隆庆菩提寺诗碑》 方九功 南阳历史文化 考证 纠错 Bodhi Temple Poem Tablets in Emperor Longqing' s Reign Fang Jiugong history and culture of Nanyang textual research correction
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  • 2逵富太.王门两夫子[M].呼和浩特:远方出版社.2002.








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