
可能自我理论及其在青少年社会工作中的运用 被引量:3

Possible Self and Its Application in Youth Social Work
摘要 青少年处于形成自我、计划将来的重要时期,他们对于自己将来各种可能性的思考,影响他们追求理想的努力程度与信心。可能自我是个体对自己未来的设想,包括个体可能成为什么、想要成为什么以及害怕成为什么的自我概念。介绍可能自我理论及其在青少年社会工作领域的运用,包括可能自我的概念、作用、适用性以及应用方案,供我国社会工作者个案辅导与小组工作参考,以促进青少年正向发展。 Adolescence is an important stage in which adolescents develop their selves and plan for the future. The futures they imagine as possible for themselves will shape their engagement in society as a whole and channel their efforts towards or away from productive action. Possible selves are what individuals envisage for themselves in the future,including the self-concept of what they may become,what they want to become and what they are afraid of becoming. This paper introduces possible selves theory and its application in youth social work,including the concept,function,applicability and application scheme of possible selves. It will act as a reference for social workers in our country in their case work and group work,to promote positive youth development.
作者 朱诗敏
出处 《社会工作与管理》 2015年第3期12-16,87,共5页 Social Work and Management
基金 香港研究资助局与美国富布赖特基金会"富布赖特研究学者项目"(2013-2014)
关键词 可能自我 自我概念 青少年 青少年社会工作 possible selves self-concept adolescents youth social work
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