

Comparative Study on the Culture Identity Mechanism between Canadian Community College and Polytechnics in China
摘要 文化认同是一种群体文化认同的感觉,是一种个体被群体文化影响的感觉。同时也是指个体对于所属文化的归属感及内心的承诺,从而获得保持与创新自身文化属性的社会心理过程。单位的所属人员对于本单位自身文化的强烈认同,既是该单位不断发展超越的伟大精神力量,又是在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地的关键要素。借鉴加拿大社区学院文化认同构建机制,结合我国高等职业院校的实际,提出增强我国高职院校校园文化认同的策略。 Culture identity indicates a general conceptual recognition of community culture and an individual sense of being affected by community culture. This as well defines a social psycho- logical process, during which the perception of belongingness and inner commitment of individ- uals toward the community culture is raised in order that he maintains and innovates his cultural attributes. The merit of any crew having a strong cultural identity toward the community is not only a spiritual enhancement for the community' s continuous development, but also an essen- tial element for the community to remain invincible in the intense competition. This article in- tends to combine realities of China' s polytechnics with cultural identity recognition in Canadian community colleges, and puts forward strategies for enhancing the campus culture identity in polytechnics in China.
作者 李颖
出处 《煤炭高等教育》 2015年第2期54-57,共4页 Meitan Higher Education
基金 2014年浙江省教育科学规划研究课题"加拿大社区学院与我国高职院校文化认同构建机制比较研究"(SCG278)
关键词 加拿大社区学院 高职院校 文化认同 Canadian community colleges polytechnics culture identity recognition.
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