

摘要 当代美国文学史和文学评论的编纂在评价17世纪清教及其影响下的北美殖民地文学时有着明显的偏见和认知困难;在分析女诗人安妮诗歌中的冲突与调和、怨恨与热爱、对抗和屈服的复杂情感时,往往将其归结为对清规戒律的抗议或背叛。重温当时的清教神学系统和诗歌语境,我们发现安妮并不附和殖民者宏大的"山巅之城"的叙事,也不简单延续一般宗教抒情诗的做法——以家庭、自然和圣经为沉思对象,以情感的坦诚表现对上帝的敬畏和虔信,而是将理想精神建构与琐细日常事件紧密结合,在内心世界与外在规范冲突之间,呈现出复杂的统一性情感的渴求,通过恰如其分的自律性虚构表现出和谐与深沉的谦卑情绪。 In compiling the history of contemporary American literature and literary criticism, there exist apparent prejudices and cognitive difficulties concerning the evaluation of the 17th puritanism and relative literary productions deeply influenced by that kind of religious culture. When such contradictory feelings as conflicts and reconciliation, resent and devotion, confrontation and surrendering in poems of Anne Bradstreet have been analyzed, those emotional representations have always been attributed to the protests or betrayal of restrictions and fetters. After taking the puritan theological system and traditional context of poem of that time into account,we could find that Anne's poems have been created neither in chiming in with the Grand Narrative of a City upon a Hill held by colonizers, nor continuing that old route embodied in general religious lyrics by which poets have regarded the family, nature and Bible as the pondering objects and in poetic construction poets will naturally express the reverence and piety in the presence of God with the emotional frankness, otherwise, Anne in her poetic world has successively combined idealized spiritual construction with trivial daily events so closely that the complicated and unifying emotional craving will be naturally presented within the conflicting process between inner world and outer norms, and in that process a kind of humble mood featured by deep harmony has also been incarnated by means of proper autonomous tension.
作者 袁先来
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 CSSCI 2014年第2期253-260,共8页 English and American Literary Studies
基金 作者主持的国家社科基金青年项目“盎格鲁——新教与早期美国文学经典中的文化建构机制”(09cww010)的阶段性成果
关键词 清教神学 道德净化 精神自律 公共想象 罪与救赎 Protestantism moral purification the spiritual autonomy communal vision sin and redemption
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