By comparing the Tomb Inscriptions of Mr. Hao of Ansu by Yuan Haowen, the Tomb Inscriptions of Hao He-shang Ba-tu by Wang Pan and the History of the Yuan: Biographical Accounts of Hao He-shang Ba-tu and by conducting a field survey, the author drew the following conclusions. First, Hao He-shang Ba-tu was not a Dorben Mongol, but a Chinese. Second, he went on an expedition in 1244 to the western part of Sichuan, under the order of Guyuk; and this indicates that Guyuk, by this time, had been helping his mother rule over the Great Mongolulus. Third, Hao He-shang Ba-tu went twice to the court of Chaghatai han and his successor in Gan Xia, and this place is today's Qulja on the southern bank of the IIi River. Finally, the elevation of the Wanhu-fu to Hedong-beilu xingsheng in 1249 was decided by Yesu Mungke, the successor of Chaghatai han.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)