Standby consumption is a global phenomenon because the largest "leakers" are internationally-traded appliances usually line-powered electronic equipment. Currently, it represents 5%-11% (depending on the region and related estimations) of the total electricity demand in European households, mostly concentrated in entertainment and office equipments. This paper is focused on the evaluation of the standby losses in typical urban areas of Greece. The results of an analytical survey in urban households located in different areas of region of Attica-Greece are presented and analyzed. This survey is taking under consideration the type and the quantity of electric/electronic devices used, power consumption measurements concerning different standby modes of operation as well as people's habits in relation to the way they used the devices. Furthermore, recent and old detailed power consumption measurements of the most common modes of operation (on, offand standby), in other member states of Europe are presented and analyzed giving the opportunity to compare the situation in a typical urban Greek area and the respective in other parts of Europe. The presented data reveal the magnitude of the standby losses problem in Greece and the potential benefits gained by the enforcement of recent EU (European Union) policies.