
1948年阿根廷铁路国有化原因探析 被引量:1

The Reason of Argentina's Railway Nationalization in 1948
摘要 庇隆时期阿根廷工人阶级对铁路国有化的期待、阿根廷民族主义者及激进党对庇隆执政初期铁路政策的反对和20世纪30年代以来英国政府对用英镑结余购买英资铁路的坚持,是1948年阿根廷外资铁路国有化实现的三个主要推动因素。因此,1948年铁路国有化并非是一个单纯的经济民族主义影响下的事件,同时也是阿根廷国内外多种因素共同作用的一个结果。只有认识到这点,才能对庇隆经济政策给予客观、准确的评价。 There were three key motivations for Argentina's nationalization of foreign railways in 1948: the labors' expectation of the state ownership of the railways; the Argentine nationalists and the radical's opposition to Peron's early railway policy; the insist of British government to buy the British owned railways with the sterling balance. Therefore, Argentina's railway nationalization in 1948 was not merely an event influenced by economic nationalism, but also was a result of multiple external and internal factors.
作者 王慧芝
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期57-61,25,共6页 History Teaching
基金 作者参加的教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题"拉丁美洲的民族主义与现代化"(项目批准号为JJD770012)的研究成果之一
关键词 阿根廷 铁路国有化 原因 Argentina, Railway Nationalization, Cause
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  • 2Domingo Cavallo, Roberto Domenech, and Yair Mundlak, La Argentina que pudo ser: Los costos de la represirn ecortrmiea, Buenos Aires: Centro Intemacional para el DesarroIlo EconomicoFundaci 6 nMediterranea,1989.
  • 3Jonathan C. Brown, Workers' control in Latin America, 1930-1979, Chapel hill and London: The University of North Carohna Press,1997.
  • 4Horatio Juan Cuccorese, Historia de Los Ferrocarriles en La Argentina, C 6 rdoba: Ediciones Macchi, 1969.
  • 5Raul Scal- abrini Ortiz, Los ferrocTiles deben ser Argentinos, Buenos Aires: A. Pefia Lilio,1965.
  • 6Samuel Bailey, Labor, Nationalism and Politicsin A rgentinc6 New Brunswick: P, utgers University Press, 1967.
  • 7Victor Garc i a Costa, Los ferrocarriles, Buenos Aires: Centro editor de America Latina,1971.
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