在大量实测资料基础上,建立了新疆某铀矿床C10采区含矿含水层地下水流系统帷幕注水数值模型,模型总体相关系数达到0.82,较好地模拟了采区帷幕注水抬升含水层水位的水流状态。利用该模型对采区在开展抽注生产情况下含水层区域地下水位变化趋势进行预测。预测显示,在现有水力条件下,采区地浸生产钻孔设计为五点型,21个抽液孔33个注液孔,单孔抽液量为60m3/d,抽注孔间距为25m的井场排布时,采区外围8个帷幕孔进行帷幕注水抬升水位,单孔平均注液流量为115m3/d,1a内采区含水层地下水水位标高保持在1 210m以上,可维持井场正常抽注平衡。
Based on a large number of exploration and monitoring data, numerical modeling of water injection curtain in the uranium-bearing aquifer in a uranium sandstone deposit at C10 mining district in Xinjiang was established. The correlation coefficient of this model is 0.82. The raising of groundw- ater flow regime by water injection curtain in the uranium-bearing aquifer is better simulated. The change in groundwater level is also predicted when the working section will be in-situ leaching under two injection and drawing scenarios. The prediction indicates that when the in-situ leaching of produc- tion well is five point type designed with 21 drawing and 33 injection well, the space between two drawing wells is 25 m, under currently hydraulic condition, amount of single drawing well is 60 ma/d, and amount of an injection well is 115 m^3/d by increasing water level with around of 8 water injection wells. The groundwater table keeps at about 1 210 m level in one year which can maintain the balance of drawing and injection amount.
Uranium Mining and Metallurgy
water injection curtain
groundwater system
numerical simulation
in-situ leaching of uranium