Objective To investigate current status of health education demand and communication strategy of pulmonary tuberculosis among immigrant workers in Wenzhou,and to analyze the influencing factor and to provide the basis for making targeted communication strategies.Methods By using layer random sampling,questionnaire surveys was conducted on 640 construction and catering industry immigrant workers,and receive 612 feedbacks. The research content includes general situation,pulmonary tuberculosis relevant prevention knowledge,attitude and behavior,pulmonary tuberculosis health education demand and preference of knowledge acquiring pathway.Results 52.7% of the participants had knowledge of pulmonary tuberculosis,only 9.89% knew all of that.75.6% claimed that their fear to associate with pulmonary tuberculosis patient,45.1% said that they were not willing to tell others about the disease.78.7% of participants would go to hospital after they had a bad cough for two weeks or more. Only 19.1% would select pulmonary tuberculosis prevention and control institution.Comparison showed that the catering industry was higher than that of the construction industry in pulmonary tuberculosis prevention relevant knowledge score (P 〈0.05).Education background and monthly income were positively correlated with the score of pulmonary tuberculosis prevention relevant knowledge,attitude and behavior (P 〈0.05).91,5%(560/612)partici-pants claimed that it was necessary to receive pulmonary tuberculosis prevention relevant knowledge,and they had preference towards education content,activity format and educators.Conclusion The pulmonary tuberculosis prevention relevant knowledge,attitude and behavior are lack in immigrant workers in Wenzhou,so it is necessary to strengthen the health education work,to take multiple communication strategy including face-to-face health education on Wechat platform,popular science lectures and other health education activities.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
immigrant workers
pulmonary tuberculosis
health education demand
communication strategy