建国初期 ,我国思想文化战线先后开展的三次思想批判运动 ,即 1 951年对电影《武训传》的批判 ,1 953年对俞平伯《红楼梦》研究和胡适思想的批判 ,以及 1 955年对胡风文艺思想和“胡风反革命集团”的批判 ,对我国思想文化界影响很大。本文拟从中总结出基本的经验教训 ,以指导今天思想文化斗争的正确展开。文章从三方面进行了分析 ,即要正确对待思想文化领域的斗争 ,必须坚持党的实事求是的思想路线 ,必须坚定不移地贯彻党的“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针 。
Three criticism movements, i.e, the criticism of the film of Wu Xun's Biography in 1951, the criticism of Yu Pingbo's study of the The Dream of Red Mansion and his study of the thoughts of Hu Shi in 1953 and that of HuFeng's theory of literature and art and Hu Feng Counter revolutionary Group in 1955 were carried out in ideolgical ,literary and artistic fronts of our Country during the initial period of the People's Republic of China. The movements were making great influences in the field of ideology, literature and arts. The paper sums up the lessons drawn from these movements in order to guide today's struggles in ideology, literature and art to develop in a right way. The paper analyses from three aspects: to adopt a correct attitude towards the stuggles in the ideological, literary and artistic fronts, we must uphold our Party's ideological line of seeking truth from facts; we must carry out the guiding principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughts contend and must formulate and implement the correct policy towards the intellectuals.
Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
ideological,literary and artistic fronts
seeking truth from facts
Let a hundred flowers blssom and a hundrad schools of thought contend
the intellectuals