江苏城市人口的等级模式与山东城市人口等级模式有较大的差异 ,这表明 ,建立统一的全国城市人口等级模式的设想是错误的。清代后期江苏城市人口数量没有大的变化 ,但人口总量却较清代中期有所减少 ,由此导致城市化水平略有提高。这说明 ,清代江苏的城市化水平 ,在某种程度上并不由城市人口的多少来决定 ,而是由区域总人口的数量来决定。施坚雅有关 19世纪中国城市人口的研究 。
According to the data and materials of gazetteers, this paper is trying to build models of City\|Population Degree of Jiangsu and points out that the percentage of city population, which is partly dependent on the number of city population, is mainly determined by the number of the total population in the area. In the period of 1776-1893, the percentage of city population in Jiangsu was on a lower increase because the city\|population was stable, but the total population was on decline.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)