绍兴印山大墓出土遗物的年代约在春秋晚期至战国前期之间。在目前已知的同时代的南方墓葬中 ,印山大墓的体量最大 ,气势最为雄伟 ,结构最为奇特与复杂。结合越国历史 ,它绝对不可能是春秋时期的允常之墓 ,而只能是战国时期某位越王之墓 ,具体王名尚难确定。若参考诸位越王的传世铜器情况 ,以者旨于赐之墓的可能性较大。绍兴 30 6号墓形制与印山大墓迥异 ,应该是徐墓 。
The Yinshan Tomb in Shaoxin, according to its unearthed objects, dates back to the time between the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring Sates Period. Apart from the Yinshan Tomb's unique and complicated architecture and majestic appearance, its burying area is the biggest among all the discovered tombs in southern China. With regard to the history of the \%Yue\% State, it is surly not Yunchang's tomb of the Spring and Autumn Period, but a king's tomb of the \%Yue\% State of the Warring Sates Period, whose name is still difficult to clarify. On the other hand, Zhezhiyuci might be the tomb owner if we take into account the bronze ware left behind by several kings of the \%Yue\% State. Similarly, we can conclude that Shaoxin's No. 306 Tomb, as far as its architecture is concerned, is not a tomb of the \%Yue\% State but of the \%Xu\% State.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)