
第四种力量的崛起:网民舆论监督助推新媒体广告行业自律 被引量:8

The Rise of the Fourth Power: Netizen Opinion Supervision Facilitating New Media Advertising Industry's Self Discipline
摘要 由于我国尚未出台专门针对新媒体广告的立法,依托互联网、手机等新技术平台发布的广告,自诞生以来便处于较少管制的宽松环境中,为行业迅速发展赢得时机。但是,部分新媒体广告主自律意识的缺失,导致了信息自由传播权力的滥用,虚假广告、垃圾广告、色情广告等杂芜丛生,严重侵犯了消费者权益。随着网络民众人数的增多与话语表达能力的增强,他们对于新媒体广告持续的舆论监督正积蓄为一股重要力量,与来自政府的规制、新媒体广告发布平台的内部管理、行业自律三股力量一起,共同推动广告主与广告代理公司增强社会责任感,强化职业道德水平,督促新媒体广告业走向规范的良性发展之路。 Due to the absence of legislation targeting new media advertising, the advertising industry based on new technology platforms like the internet and mobile phones has been loosely regulated since its e- mergence, thus gaining the momentum of rapid development. However, some new media advertisers lack self- discipline awareness, leading to the abuse of information free transmission rights, rampant spreading of fake ads, junk ads and porn ads and severe infringements on consumer rights. With the increase of netizen popula- tion and their enhanced discourse capability, their sustained supervision over new media advertising is forming an important fourth power, working together with government rules and regulations, the internal management of new media advertising releasing platforms and self discipline within the industry to push forward advertisers and ad agencies to enhance their sense of social responsibility and professional ethics, and to supervise and direct the new media advertising industry toward the regulated road of sound development.
作者 査灿长 孟茹
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期118-128,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(12BXW047)
关键词 新媒体广告 规制 行业自律 舆论监督 new media advertising rules and regulations self discipline within the industry opinion su-pervision
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