

The Influence of Dynamic and Static Facial Expressions on Facial Gender Judgment
摘要 本研究通过选取30名大学生对动、静态呈现的面孔表情图片进行性别判断,研究动、静态呈现的面孔表情对面孔性别加工的影响。研究发现:反应时结果出现了图片性别和图片情绪的交互作用。男性面孔在不同情绪下的反应时长短依次为:积极>中性>消极;女性面孔在不同情绪下的反应时长短依次为:积极>消极>中性。正确率结果中也出现了图片性别和图片情绪的交互作用。判断消极情绪时的男性面孔正确率比中性和积极情绪时的正确率高;判断中性情绪时的女性面孔正确率比积极和消极情绪时的正确率高。该结果说明:面孔表情信息影响性别信息的加工,且因男女性别信息而效果不同。 Dynamic and static facial expressions are used in this study, 30 college students were selected to complete the sex judgment task of dynamic and static facial expression pictures and research for the effect of dynamic and static facial expressions on facial gender processing. The results showed there was a signifi- cant interaction between the gender of face and facial expressions on reaction time. The RT(reaction time) of male facial expressions of different emotions were positive〉neutral〉negative, while the female were positive〉negative〉neutral. There was also a significant interaction between the facial gender and expres- sions on accuracy. The accuracy of negative expression was significantly higher than neutral or positive e- motional conditions on male face, while the accuracy of neutral expression was significantly higher than negative or positive emotional conditions on female face. Present study revealed facial expression informa- tion affects the gender information's processing, which is different from gender information.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期340-344,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC90010)
关键词 面孔性别 面孔表情 动、静态 大学生 刻板印象 吸引力 facial gender facial expression dynamic and static college students stereotype attraction
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