目的了解封开农村地区慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的患病率及相关危险因素,为COPD的有效干预提供科学依据。方法以整群抽样随机分层方法对封开县农村地区1 386例调查对象(年龄≥40岁)进行问卷调查及肺功能检测,采用单因素和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析COPD发病的相关危险因素。结果本农村地区COPD总患病率为10.24%;COPD相关危险因素分析显示:年龄(OR=4.002,95%CI=2.339~7.605)、吸烟(OR=3.846,95%CI=1.925~7.564)、职业粉尘暴露(OR=5.339,95%CI=3.062~9.743)、烧柴烧煤(OR=1.206,95%CI=0.895~2.666)、厨房通风设备差(OR=2.599,95%CI=1.056~4.009)、不良烹饪习惯(OR=1.408,95%CI=0.758~2.255)和肺部疾病个人史(OR=1.296,95%CI=1.015~2.847)。结论 COPD发病是多种因素相互作用的结果,提倡使用清洁燃料,改善通风条件,以减少COPD的发病率。
Objective To study the prevalence and relevant risk factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) in Fengkai rural areas,in order to provide scientific proof for the effective prevention of COPD. Methods The cluster- random- sampling method was performed to collect the data from 1386 cases( aged over 40years) in Fengkai rural areas. All the subjects were interviewed with questionnaires and tested with spirometry. A single factor and multivariate unconditional Logistic analysis of COPD incidence of relevant risk factors was performed. Results( 1) The total prevalence of COPD was 10. 24%;( 2) The relevant risk factors of COPD: age( OR= 4. 002,95%,CI = 2. 339 ~ 7. 605),smoking( OR = 3. 846,95% CI = 1. 925 ~ 7. 564),occupational dust exposure( OR = 5. 339,95% CI = 3. 062 ~ 9. 743),wood and coal fire( OR = 1. 206,95% CI = 0. 895 ~ 2. 666),poor kitchen ventilation equipment( OR = 2. 599,95% CI = 1. 056 ~ 4. 009),bad cooking habits( OR = 1. 408,95% CI= 0. 758 ~ 2. 255),and personal history of lung disease( OR = 1. 296,95%,CI = 1. 015 ~ 2. 847). Conclusion The incidence of COPD is the outcome of combined action of multiple factors. Use of cleaner fuels and improved ventilation may reduce the incidence of COPD.
Modern Hospitals