Two kinds of superplasticizer, anionic polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PCan) and amphoteric polycarboxylate superplasticizer(PCam) were applied to different dosage of fly ash concrete. Cement clinker was mixed with fly ash by weight at the percentage of 0%, 10%, 30% and 50%. Slump is designed in (200±10) mm, the concrete stage and hardening stage performance were tested and the compatibility of PCam with fly ash was discussed by total organic carbon(TOC). The results show that the superplasticizer can reduce the water consumption of concrete effectively, the water reducing rate of PCam is more than 30%, and the PCam can effectively improve the early strength of the concrete to 120% when fly ash is mixed into the concrete. TOC adsorption indicated that the pattern of surface adsorption of fly ash particles is different from the cement particles. The reason why fiy ash has a weaker adsorption ability to superplasticizer is that the surface of fly ash particles is relatively smooth and the potential is negative, and the introduction of cationic groups(PCam) makes that the saturated adsorption amount is more than the ordinary anionic superplasticizer(PCan),which leads to the smaller slump loss under the same content of fly ash. Therefore, the superplasticizer increases the adsorption of fly ash particles and has a better compatibility to fly ash with the introduction of PCam cation radical.
fly ash
amphoteric superplasticizer