在清末不足十年的时间内,广 东新军从无到有,经历了一个由少到多,又由多到少,再由少到多的曲折发展过程。就其规 模而言,一直在一个混成协的规模上徘徊,在辛亥革命前夕,仓促成镇,事属应急。广东新 军也就保留了不少的旧式成分。但还是体现了新型军队的某些特质及近代化的趋势。新型的 官兵群体,专门的参谋机构,近代化的武器装备及集中驻防、新式训练方法等,都在一定程 度上反映了近代化的成就。
The New Army of Guangdong province was founded difficulty during the last 10-years of the Qing dynasty. It had been only one Xie for a long time. Before the revolution of 1911, it became a Zhen hastily. So there were a lot of old components in this army. However, as a practice of military modernization, some new characters and achievements were obtained, for example, new soldiers, special staffs, advanced weapons, new methods of training, and contralized garrisoning. All of these proved that The New Army in Guangdong Province was a modern army, as in other provinces.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University