
空地制导武器传递对准及组合导航半实物实时仿真系统设计 被引量:2

Design of real-time semi-physical simulation system for transfer alignment and integrated navigation of airborne guided weapon
摘要 针对空地武器攻击时敏目标半实物仿真系统的应用需求,以往所采用的纯数字仿真系统及方法已无法满足和实现所需要的功能,现有的半实物仿真技术又存在功能单一、接口有限、二次开发难的缺陷,提出了一种空地武器攻击时敏目标半实物仿真系统方案,重点设计了传递对准算法和GPS/INS组合导航算法。以空地制导炸弹为例,系统仿真功能涵盖了从载机挂弹飞行、系统自检、传递对准、热电池激活、数据链开启、炸弹投放、弹体姿态稳定、弹翼张开、滑翔中制导、中末交班、导引头开启、末制导直到命中时敏目标结束的全工作流程,针对该复杂系统的时间统一问题,提出了一种全系统投弹前后的传递对准时间同步方法。最后的模拟投弹试验结果表明:所设计的半实物仿真系统结构合理、实时性好、功能齐全,可为后期空地制导武器的研制提供一种非常有效的半实物仿真试验方法。 A semi-physical simulation scheme was proposed for air-to-ground time-sensitive target weapon, focusing on the design of transfer alignment and GPS/INS integrated navigation algorithm. It satisfy the practical application and overcomes such problems as traditional digital simulation systems can not provide required functions and existing semi-physical simulation techniques have the disadvantages of single-function, limited interfaces and hard secondary-development. Take air-to-ground guided bomb as an example, the designed simulation system covers the whole attack period from hanging, self test, transfer alignment, thermal battery activation, data chain open, bomb dropping, attitude stabilization, wing open, glide guidance, mid-terminal handover, seeker open, terminal guidance, and target attack. To solve the problem of time delay, a time synchronization algorithm was proposed for the transfer alignment of the designed system. The semi-attack experiment shows that the designed semi-physical simulation system is effective, reliable, adequately real-time and fully functional. It provides an effective semi-practicality simulation method for the design of airborne guided weapons.
出处 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期224-231,共8页 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology
基金 总装预研基金(9140A31010114JB25465) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(1176072) 中国航天CAST创新基金(CAST2014-27) 中国航空科学基金(20145159002) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20140795)
关键词 制导炸弹 半实物仿真 传递对准 组合导航 guided bomb semi-physical simulation transfer alignment integrated navigation
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