We present exact analytical solutions to parity-time(P T) symmetric optical system describing light transport in P T-symmetric optical couplers. We show that light intensity oscillates periodically between two waveguides for unbroken P T-symmetric phase, whereas light always leaves the system from the waveguide experiencing gain when light is initially input at either waveguide experiencing gain or waveguide experiencing loss for broken P T-symmetric phase. These analytical results agree with the recent experimental observation reported by Ru¨ter et al. [Nat. Phys.6(2010) 192]. Besides, we present a scheme for manipulating P T symmetry by applying a periodic modulation. Our results provide an efficient way to control light propagation in periodically modulated P T-symmetric system by tuning the modulation amplitude and frequency.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.11465008
the Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant Nos.2015JJ4020 and 2015JJ2114
the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department under Grant No.14A118