

Research on the Evaluation of University Students' Learning Satisfaction under the Chinese-Foreign Cooperative School-running Project of He'nan Province
摘要 中外合作办学项目近年来发展迅速,但关于中外合作办学项目下的学生学习满意度的有效评价体系尚待构建。文章根据相关研究和实际情况分析出了中外合作办学项目影响大学生学习满意度的因素,确定了相关的测评指标。在对测评指标进行量化之后,本文进行了指标体系的描述性分析,因子分析和可靠性分析等统计校验,采用因子分析法确定了重要性指标权重,建立了基于中外合作办学项目学生学习满意度的测评体系。最后通过对中外合作办学项目大学生学习满意度的计算和结果分析,从政府、高校、学生自身三个角度提出了改革策略和发展建议,并提出关于河南省中外合作办学发展的新思路。 Chinese-foreign cooperative school-running project is developing rapidly in recent years, but an effective evaluation system for students' learning satisfaction under Chinese-foreign cooperative school-running project has not been established yet. In accordance with related research and practical situation, this paper analyzes the factors influencing university students' learning satisfaction under Chinese-foreign cooperative school-running project, and formulates related evaluation indexes. After quantifying the evaluation indexes, this paper makes the descriptive analysis, element analysis and reliability analysis on the index system, uses etement analysis to determine the important index weight, and establishes an evaluation system for students' learning satisfaction based on Chinese-foreign cooperative school-running project. Finally, through the calculation and result analysis of university students' learning satisfaction under Chinese-foreign cooperative schoolunning project, this paper proposes reform strategies and development suggestions from the government, universities and students themselves, and puts for- ward new ideas for the development of Chinese-foreign coopera- tive school-running in He'nan Province.
出处 《科教文汇》 2015年第13期31-33,38,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 河南大学"全国大学生创新性实验项目"阶段性成果
关键词 中外合作办学项目 大学生 学习满意度 测评体系 Chinese-foreign cooperative school-running project university students learning satisfaction evaluation system
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