
The Architecture of Bridges

The Architecture of Bridges
摘要 The paper looks at some bridge structures from ancient aqueducts to the most recent viaducts since people have always built structures that help them to cross terrain obstacles such as rivers, ravines and hills. Their primary goal has functionality and efficiency rather than aesthetic considerations and, yet from a time perspective, they still impress with their beauty and perfection. Gradually, architects began to take care of the form of bridges, as in the case of the Rialto Bridge in Venice. Nowadays, the most renowned architects, with Norman Foster in the lead, take up the design of bridge "architecture". Although technical solutions remain top priority, aesthetic qualities are widely recognized and appreciated.
出处 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期554-562,共9页 土木工程与建筑(英文版)
关键词 BRIDGE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTION innovativeness. 桥梁结构 建筑师 地形障碍 审美素质 高架桥 构筑物 威尼斯 福斯特
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