
可验证的安全矩阵行列式计算云外包协议 被引量:2

Verifiable and Secure Protocol for Outsourcing Matrix Determinant Computation to Malicious Cloud
摘要 云计算外包越来越流行的同时也带来了新的安全问题和挑战:输入/输出数据的隐私性和结果的可验证性。本文围绕云计算环境下的安全矩阵行列式计算外包展开研究,构建一个适用于大矩阵行列式计算的可验证的安全云外包协议,在客户端将原始矩阵盲化加密后传送到云服务器端执行计算,云服务器将计算结果和验证值返回给客户端进行解密和验证。理论分析表明,在恶意云的安全模型下协议满足正确性、输入/输出私密性、高效性和结果可验证性。 Computation outsourcing to the cloud has become a popular application .This computing paradigm brings in some new security concerns and challenges , such as input/output privacy and result verifiability .A protocol is designed to enable secure , robust cheating resistant , and efficient outsourcing of matrix determinant computation to a malicious cloud .Client encrypts the o-riginal matrix and then transfers it to cloud server to compute .Analysis shows that the proposed protocol is correct , secure, and robust cheating resistant .Extensive theoretical analysis also shows its high-efficiency .
作者 申银杰
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2015年第5期103-106,共4页 Computer and Modernization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272044)
关键词 云计算 安全计算外包 行列式计算 cloud computation secure computation outsource determinant computation
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