

Modulation of PESA on Ca Ox Crystal Phase Composition and Morphology of Calcium Oxalate
摘要 采用环境扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)技术,研究AA/HPA/AMPS在水体系中对草酸钙晶化习性的影响。结果表明:随着添加剂浓度的增加,一水草酸钙(COM)的生长受到抑制,晶粒的聚集度和尺寸降低,棱角变得圆钝,相反,二水草酸钙(COD)和三水草酸钙(COT)的成核得到促进。当添加剂浓度较高时,COD为唯一的晶相。控制单一变量,发现高的过饱和度降低了AA/HPA/AMPS对草酸钙亚稳态晶相的稳定能力,而高p H则增强了AA/HPA/AMPS的调控作用。由分子动力学(MD)模拟可知,AA/HPA/AMPS在草酸钙晶粒的富Ca2+晶面吸附力较强。 The influence of AA/HPA/AMPS on calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization has been investigated by SEM and XRD. With increasing the concentration of AA/HPA/AMPS, the growth of CaOx monohydrate crystal (COM) was inhibited. The aggregation level and size of crystal particles were decreased with the edges and comers becoming blunt. On the contrary, the nucleation of CaOx dihydrate (COD) and CaOx trihydrate (COT) was promoted. At higher concentration, COD was precipitated as sole crystal phase. The results at different reaction conditions indicated that the regulation effect of AA/HPA/AMPS on CaOx crystallization could weaken by high supersaturation, but strengthened by high pH. Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations showed us that AA/HPA/AMPS was adsorbed on the crystal plane with high Ca2+ preferentially.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2015年第9期47-48,41,共3页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 草酸钙 AA/HPA/AMPS 动力学模拟 calcium oxalate AA/HPA/AMPS Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations
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