Annual highest temperature, lowest temperature and maximum daily precipitation were defined as the extreme high temperature, low temperature and precipitation events, according to the data of 25 meteorological stations in Guangdong province from 1951 to 2010. In order to find the best-fit distribution, four theoretical distribution models, GEV, Gamma, GL and GP, were applied to the fitting of the three extreme events. Expecially, their logarithmic distributions, LGEV, LGamma, LGL and LGP, were also applied to the armual highest temperature and maximum daily precipitation. The results indicated that the best-fit distributions of the three extreme events in different stations are not unique. As a whole, GEV, Gamma and GL model all are well on their fitting, but GP and its logarithmic distribution are not well, which can conclude that the GP model is not suitable for the fitting of annual extreme value. Except the GP model, the goodness of fit of the logarithmic distributions of other three models is all better than their original distributions. On the whole, numerical integration double weighted function (NIDWF) method is the best parameter extimation methods for the fitting of annual highest temperature and maximum daily precipitation, and moments repair method (MMR) is the best of annual lowest temperature.
Guangdong Chemical Industry
extreme temperature and precipitation event
probability distribution
parameter estimation
test of goodness of fit
Guangdong province