
湿地松粉蚧蛹寄生蜂火炬松短索跳小蜂生物学特性 被引量:1

Bionomics of Acerophagus coccois Smith,an important parasitoid of Oracella acuta( Lobdell) pupa
摘要 火炬松短索跳小蜂Acerophagus coccois Smith是湿地松粉蚧Oracella acuta(Lobdell)的原产地重要天敌。观察了火炬松短索跳小蜂羽化、交配、产卵、活动、成虫寿命和繁殖等生物学习性。结果表明,火炬松短索跳小蜂成虫寿命受温度和营养条件影响很大,雌雄蜂均需要补充营养,补充营养亦可显著延长成虫的寿命。以喂食5%蜜糖水、4~6℃保存的成虫寿命最长,雌虫平均寿命9.17d,雄虫平均寿命8.32 d;其次是供带寄主的松梢,雌雄虫平均寿命分别为5.50 d和5.43 d;平均寿命最短的是仅喂食5%蜜糖水的处理,雌雄虫平均寿命分别为4.12 d和3.98 d。室内繁殖试验表明,火炬松短索跳小蜂在广东省室内条件下能够寄生湿地松粉蚧,但子代蜂数量较少,寄生效能需进一步研究。 Acerophagus coccois Smith is an important natural enemy of Oracella acuta( Lobdell) in the USA. It w as introduced from USA to China in 1996 for biocontrol of O. acuta. The bionomics including emergence,mating,oviposition,eating behaviors,adult longevity and propagation of the exotic parasitoid w ere observed in the lab. Results show ed that the longevity w as affected by temperature and nutrient conditions. Both male and female w asps need supplemental nutrition w hich could significantly prolong the longevity of adults. The longevity of the female and male fed w ith 5% honey solution and kept under the condition of 4-6 ℃ w as the longest,w hich w as 9. 17 days and 8. 32 days respectively. The mean longevity of mated female and male adults given tw igs w ith some loblolly mealybugs w as the second,w hich w as 5. 50 and 5. 43 days respectively. If fed w ith 5% honey w ater only,the longevity of the female and male w as 4. 12 and 3. 98 days respectively. In the indoor test of reproduction,A. coccois w as able to produce offspring in Guangdong,but less in quantity. So,parasitic effectiveness of A. coccois need further research.
出处 《中国森林病虫》 北大核心 2015年第3期14-17,共4页 Forest Pest and Disease
基金 广东省林业科技创新专项资金项目(2013KJCX015-03)
关键词 火炬松短索跳小蜂 湿地松粉蚧 生物学 繁殖 Acerophagus coccois Smith Oracella acuta(Lobdell) bionomics reproduction
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