
生态哲学之解读 被引量:12

Interpretation of Ecological Philosophy
摘要 突飞猛进的技术给人类带来了大有希望的未来,可是,技术异化、生态危机使人与自然的关系成为时代的焦点,如何行动成为哲学关注的主题。生态哲学就是哲学转向行动,是行动的哲学。它提倡关系、有机、整体,以此为基础关注人的行动,生态哲学意味着生态性的哲学。哲学在不同时代有着不同的主题,这是哲学在不同时代的外在转向;哲学还有其内在发展逻辑。从外在的转向和内在逻辑的研究可以看出生态哲学就是哲学本身的发展。它的构成应该有生态本体论、生态认识论、生态方法论。生态方法论体现为环境伦理学。由于生态哲学是哲学转向人的实践、人的行动,哲学在关注世界、关注人的思维之后,关注人的行动就是发展的必然。环境伦理、生态道德就是人的行为规范,环境伦理学把人的道德关怀扩展到生态环境,生态哲学才会在环境伦理学领域里率先发展起来。生态认识论的研究可以从人类思维的历史分析中来阐释,在时间维度的整体中考察哲学思想的历史。从哲学的逻辑起点开始,研究不同时代哲学所关注的主题,分析生态哲学思想之所以生成的逻辑必然性,解析哲学的发展历程,分析思维整体中的生态哲学思想,这是认识论维度的生态哲学研究。生态本体论体现了生态世界观,本体论可借助于自然科学成果来研究。在自然科学蓬勃发展的今天,哲学把认识世界的任务交付给了科学,生态哲学的本体论有着丰富的科学基础,那么生态哲学本体论的阐明就离不开认识世界的科学理论。宇宙论是最宏大的自然观,它对生态本体论的研究有着重要意义。现代自然科学所提供的作为生态哲学科学基础的生态学科学、地史地质学、相对论、量子力学、系统论、混沌理论等如何支撑生态哲学,如何深化有关生态本体论的研究,是研究生态本体论不可缺少的。 Progressing technologies open the door of hope for human and meanwhile, technology alienation and ecological crises make the relationship between human and nature focus of era. How to act becomes a concern of philosophy. Ecological philosophy, a turn of philosophy, is philosophy on action. It advocates relationships, organic and integral features, and studies human's action based on them. Ecological philosophy means philosophy of ecology. Philosophy has different themes at different ages, which is external turn of philosophy. Besides that, philosophy has its own internal logic. Seen from both the external turn and internal logic, ecological philosophy is the development of philosophy itself. It consists of ecological ontology, ecological epistemology and ecological methodology. The ecological methodology is reflected in environmental ethics. The shift of focus from the world and human thinking to human action is the inevitably development of philosophy. Environmental ethics and ecological morals are concerned with codes of human actions. For the extension of environmental ethics from human morals to ecological environment, ecological philosophy first develops in the field of environmental ethics. Ecological epistemology, the historical analysis of human thinking, studies the history of philosophical thoughts. Beginning from the logical starting point, ecological philosophy, in the dimension of epistemology, studies the themes of philosophy in different ages, analyzes the logical necessity of thoughts of ecological philosophy, the development process of philosophy and thoughts of ecological philosophy in human thinking as a whole. Ecological ontology, reflecting the ecological world view, can be researched with the aid of results of natural sciences. The flourishing development of natural sciences in modern era lays a solid foundation for ecological ontology. Cosmology, the grandest nature view, is of great significance for the research of ecological ontology. How natural sciences, such as ecology, geo- history geology, relativity theory, quantum mechanics, system theory, and chaos theory, support ecological philosophy and how to make a further research on ecological ontology are indispensable to the research of ecological ontology.
作者 李世雁
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第1期25-32,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 生态哲学 哲学的转向 哲学的内在逻辑 ecological philosophy turn of philosophy internal logic of philosophy
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