
民国时期玄武湖的人文生态演变——“五洲公园”的理想与现实 被引量:5

Evolution of Humanistic Ecology in Xuanwu Lake in the Period of Republic of China——Ideal and Reality of“Wuzhou Park”
摘要 玄武湖自古便是南京重要的水体资源。清末,在南京举办的南洋劝业会会场与玄武湖相邻,为了便于游人在会场与玄武湖之间往返游玩,特在明城墙开辟城门,命名为丰润门(今玄武门),并开辟道路直通今环洲,大大方便了人们往返湖洲,这成为玄武湖从自然山水向近代城市公园转变的奠基之笔。国民政府定都南京之后,在历任市政当局重视下,玄武湖的人文生态演变速度加快。刘纪文担任南京特别市市政府首任市长后,市政府接收玄武湖为市有,并在财政局下设玄武湖管理局进行管理,管理局除了"司湖之出产",还负责"亭榭花木之点缀",市政当局开始具备美化玄武湖的意识。何民魂继任南京市长后,开始挖掘玄武湖的休闲潜力,力图将玄武湖建设成为"新桃源",其具体措施有修整湖内路桥、整修湖内古迹建筑、清除湖面蔓草等,使玄武湖初具公园形态,游人渐多。1928年8月19日,玄武湖被正式开辟为公园,1928年12月10日,直接隶属于市政府的公园管理处成立,取代玄武湖管理局行使管理职能,玄武湖成为公园管理处重点建设的城市公园。刘纪文曾设想将玄武湖公园内五洲次第设计、陆续开辟,计划征集世界五大洲物产分别陈设各洲,增进游客博物智识和世界眼光,因此将公园命名为"五洲公园"。南京市政当局多次制定了针对玄武湖的开发计划。但是,至南京沦陷前,真正可供游览的湖洲只有美洲和非洲(今翠洲),其关键问题在于五洲中原本有湖民居住,土地产权公私交杂,土地征收工作并不顺利,且市政府经费支绌,致使各项计划的实施效果都大打折扣,根本无法实现将其命名为"五洲公园"的初衷。马超俊担任市长后,将其改名为"玄武公园",这意味着五洲公园的革命主义理想泡沫被刺破。不过,五洲公园时期玄武湖公园化过程并非完全失败,经过持续的整顿,游人除了可以在园中赏景、泛舟、品茗之外,不同季节还有应时的娱乐活动。总而言之,玄武湖的人文生态发生了巨大变化,它已经不再是单纯的生存空间和自然山水,而发展成为南京城市重要的公共休闲娱乐空间。 Xuanwu Lake is important water resource of Nanjing since ancient times. People began to live by the Lake on aquatic products in the early years of the Qing Dynasty. In late years of the Qing Dynasty, the Nanyang Commodity Exposition was held around Xuanwu Lake, and the government built a new city gate, Fengrun Gate (later called Xuanwu Gate ) and a road directly to the present Huanzhou Island to offer conveniences for people to stroll about, which laid a foundation of the transformation of Xuanwu Lake from natural scenery to a modern city park. After the National Government of Republic of China chose Nanjing as its capital city, the evolution of Xuanwu Lake in humanistic ecology has quickened for the support of the government. During Liu Jiwen' s term as the first mayor of Nanjing in Republic of China, Xuanwu Lake was managed by the civil government of Nanjing. Founded by the Bm-eau of Finance, the Xuanwu Lake Management Authority was in charge of the aquatic products and the beautification of the views. When He Minhun held the post of the mayor, he began to explore potential of the Lake for leisure, and tried to make it a new Peach Blossom Yard (Fantasy Palace). The specific measures included road rebuilding, ancient buildings renovation, weeding, which made Xuanwu Lake like a city park and attracted more and more visitors. An opening ceremony of Xuanwu Lake Park was held on August 19th, 1928. Founded on December 10th, 1928, the Park Service Agency took the administration of the park. Liu Jiwen originally planned to design five islands on the Lake and to exhibit on those islands animals and plants respectively from the five continents all over the world to improve tourists' knowledge about the world, so he named the park Wu Zhou (Five Continents/Islands) Park. The Nanjing municipal authorities then made plans for the exploitation of Xuanwu Lake. But only two islands were developed until December of 1937. The key issue lied in the people living on the islands. Due to the mixed ownership of the land, it was hard to distinguish between public and private land. Besides, the municipal government had a tight budget. These factors together impeded the carrying out of the park plans. The succeeding mayor Ma Chaojun changed the name of the Park as Xuanwu Park, putting an end to Liu Jiwen' s revolutionary ideals of Wu Zhou Park. Nevertheless, the transformation of Xuanwu Lake Park was not an entire failure. Because of continuing readjustments, tourists could not only appreciate the scenery, go boating and drink tea, but also enjoy different recreational activities in different seasons. In a word, the humanistic ecology of Xuanwu Lake has changed greatly. Besides a natural space for living and and touring, it was an important public recreational place of Nanjing.
作者 于静 荆世杰
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第1期87-97,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国药科大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"近代南京城市公园管理模式研究"(ZJ14021) 中国药科大学科技项目"民国时期玄武湖的人文生态演变"(ZJ14134)
关键词 民国 玄武湖 五洲公园 人文生态 Republic of China Xuanwu Lake Wuzhou Park humanistic ecology
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  • 1李源.玄武湖“三神山”新考[J].江苏地方志,2000(5):32-33. 被引量:1
  • 2刘纪文.《五洲公园记》,《申报》,1928-10-16(第20版).
  • 3《南京特别市玄武湖管理局调查表》,《南京特别市市政公报·调查》,1928年第24期.
  • 4《元武湖灾》,《申报》,1886-09-18(第2版).
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  • 6《元武湖风景》,《申报》,1879-09-24(第2版).
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