
东道国当地救济规则在ICSID仲裁领域的运用研究——兼论中国双边投资条约的应对策略 被引量:12

Host States' Application of the Rule of Local Remedies in ICSID Arbitration: lso Concerning the Response Strategies of China's Bilateral Investment Treaties
摘要 在全球经济一体化纵深推进导致国际投资争端大量产生的背景下,传统国际法上的东道国当地救济规则逐步被运用到以ICSID机制为主的投资者-东道国仲裁解决领域中。但国际投资仲裁领域中的当地救济规则在适用标准、例外规定、终局性要求等方面却突破了传统国际法的适用惯例。作为最大的资本输入发展中国家,近年来中国在外资引进上获得显著发展,因而有必要在既有双边投资条约的投资保护框架下重新审视东道国当地救济规则,寻求应对如何平衡国家主权与外国投资者利益保护的策略。 As international investment disputes increased conspicuously owing to the global scale development of eco- nomic integration, the rule of local remedies under traditional international law had been gradually applied to the ICSID and other investor - state arbitration. The application of the rule of local remedies in investor - state arbitration, however, dis- tinguished itself from the application of the rule under customary international law in a number of ways, in particular when it came to the criteria of application, exceptions and finality requirements. As the largest capital - importing developing country, China achieved a significant development in attracting foreign investment at the present time. Accordingly, it is essential to re - examine the rule of local remedies under the current framework for investment protection established by the existing bilateral investment treaties and further to explore the strategies that had potential to strike a balance between state sovereign and the interests of foreign investors.
作者 李沣桦
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期179-189,共11页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 用尽当地救济 附期限 终局性要求 行政复议救济 exhaustion of local remedies conditional time period finality requirements, administrative review and remedies
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